Friday, March 20, 2009

GREEN ALERT: 5 Paper Tips-Use Less, Wisely!

We use a lot of paper in this business. Help reduce your environmental footprint by adopting these 5 paper-saving solutions:

TIP 1:
Use both sides of the paper. Duplex printing is the single best way to reduce paper use. Add duplex as the default mode on your printer.

TIP 2:
Go digital. Send electronic files in place of paper.

TIP 3:
Be selective. Print what you need when you need it. Avoid stockpiling forms, or instructions that will go out of date.

TIP 4:
Reach for the right paper. Print on paper certified through organizations such as the Forest Stewardship Council.

TIP 5:
Recycle. Collect used paper so the fiber can be used again. Doing so saves trees, reduces energy and water use, requires fewer chemicals, and keeps paper out of landfills.